a decade of empowering families to reach their self-defined infant feeding goals
Hi my name is Azura Goodman and I love babies.
I'm a Registered Nurse and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I've been fascinated by infant nutrition and human lactation since I entered the field of nursing and well before I had a baby of my own.
I've had years of experience and thousands of hours working with feeding families day in and day out at public lactation clinics, feeding support groups and hospitals throughout the GTA and I've loved every second. I am committed to staying "abreast" of current research and utilizing evidence based practises.
My number one job is encouraging you to trust your instincts while I arm you with as many skills and as much knowledge as you need to feel safe and confident when I leave. I have a hands off approach to teaching and believe that most infant feeding families need some support.
Licensed International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
IBCLC certification represents the highest level of accreditation in the field of lactation consulting and is widely considered the gold standard. IBCLCs are regulated professionals, and their education and practice are overseen by the International Board of Lactation Consultants.
I am proud to be a practicing Registered Nurse, licensed in Ontario. My entire career has centred around infants and families in the perinatal period.
Registered Nurse
Extra Training
Advanced Lactation Management
Narrative Approaches to Counselling
Interpersonal Therapy
(IPT) Counselling Training
Prevention Training
Indigenous Cultural Competency
Gender Inclusivity Training
In addition to postpartum support, I teach prenatal breast/chestfeeding classes too!
In addition to helping parents feed their babies I also enjoy teaching them before baby hits the scene.
I have experience in adult learning and enjoy providing what I consider to be the best skills to develop prior to baby's birth: a blueprint to nursing and feeding babe with confidence. You deserve to have an arsenal of skills and anticipatory guidance BEFORE a crying, hungry baby is in your arms.
I enjoy adapting my teaching to your specific needs and learning style. Are you an A-type and you want all the info I provide to be translated into tables and bullets? I'm here for that! Do you learn better with videos that you can reference after our lesson is done? No sweat! Before I teach a class I send out a short form to understand exactly what you want to learn and learn your adult learning style.
I also enjoy providing tailored classes and workshops on weaning, exclusive pumping, reinstating a milk supply after you've stopped breastfeeding, and more. Write to me if you have a specific topic you'd like to delve into!
All of my classes come with clear handouts so you don't have to focus on taking notes during your learning time (unless that helps you learn!). Referring to these cheatsheets will help keep you calm in the early days when you need some guidance and reassurance!
I'm looking forward to helping you; thanks for trusting me.